HYDROPNEUMATIC || Hydraulic Power Units tailored and supplied to meet customers' specifications, built with high quality components

HYDROPNEUMATIC | Wellhead Equipment & Controls

Hydraulic Power Units

tailored and supplied to meet customers' specifications, built with high quality components

  • 50 years of experience in Oil & Gas, 50 years of design and production

Hydraulic Power Units

Over the last 50 years, Hydropneumatic has provided hundreds of efficient, reliable standard and custom power units to industries and markets all over the world. Built with high quality components under stringent manufacturing standards, these hydraulic power units are available with several options for capacities, controls, manifolds, pumps, layout and configurations. They ensure reliable, cost-effective operation and maximum productivity in applications for any process.
HPU are normally tailored and supplied to meet customers’ specifications and delivered as a single power unit or as part of a control system for an integrated control; they can be provided for manual, pneumo/hydraulic, electro/hydraulic service for both intermittent and continuous duty.
The construction can be skid mounted, free standing or directly installed on the equipment to be actuated.

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Standard Package Systems

With the most flexible range of standard configuration options, HP’s standard package systems are the fastest way to get mobile and industrial power units, bar manifolds (including standard relief valves and available in several materials with multiple optional features, giving engineers the ultimate flexibility they need) and integrated motors pumps for several applications.

Custom Package Systems

No matter the scale or complexity of the project, HP Engineers are ready to help customers design, manage and install custom systems to meet their requirements. Contact our local representative and we will be pleased to support you.

Bar Manifolds

HP bar manifolds


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